UFGC is hosting and running this website. All data collection and management carried out through this website and associated communication products is done in accordance with our data protection policy. This can be read in full below.

1. Introduction

2. Data collection and use

3. Details about data collection via websites

4. What personal data we collect and why

5. How long do we keep your personal data?

6. How we protect your data

7. Your rights concerning your personal data

8. Changes to this policy

9. Contact

UFGC respects your privacy and seeks to ensure that any personal data that we collect is processed in a secure, responsible manner. UFGC only collects personal data that we need in order to provide our services. 

UFGC operates urban-future.org as well as several topical and project websites, publishes regular e-newsletters, operates a mailing list for our community, several project-related newsletters, conducts topical mailings, and organises events as part of the services provided. This policy explains how we process personal data that is related to our services. 

This policy was last updated: January 2024.

UFGC collects personal information to deliver the services requested, based on our legitimate interest in keeping you updated about relevant activities and/or based on the ticket/partnership agreement established between you and UFGC. We strive to limit the amount of personal information collected. The personal information collected could be used to contact you with regards to our activities or in response to a specific enquiry via email, telephone or postal mail. 

We collect data about your preferences and interests connected to our thematic content categories. This allows us to build your personalised service experience, customising the website, and tailored emails and newsletters. We do not collect any sensitive data (political opinion, religious beliefs, health, etc.).

When you visit websites managed by UFGC, a small amount of information concerning your use of them is generated - see our policy on cookies, social media plug-ins and maps services below.

3.1 Cookies
Cookies are tiny text files stored on your browser. We use cookies to help us improve your experience. EU legislation states that all websites should let you know when they are using cookies. Most websites use cookies and they will not cause any harm to your device. UFGC uses cookies to help us see which pages our visitors like and which ones are not working so well, meaning we can make improvements to the website and improve user experience. Cookies do not tell us who you are or give us any personal details about you.

Even if you do not accept the cookies, you will still be able to browse our websites. However, some parts of the websites might not work.

3.1.1 Necessary cookies
These cookies are needed for our website to function. Therefore, they are always on but they do not contain personally identifiable information (PII).

3.2 Integration of Google Maps
This website might be using the services of Google Maps. This service allows us to display interactive maps directly on the website and allows you to comfortably use the map function. 

When visiting the website, Google receives the information that you have visited the respective sub-page on our website. Additionally, Google receives the data listed under § 4 of this policy (see below). The data is transmitted independently from Google providing a user account you are logged into or not. If you are logged in with Google, your data is matched with your account. If you do not want your data to be attributed to your Google account, you have to log out of your account before activating the plug-in button. Google saves your data in the form of a usage profile and uses that for the purposes of advertisement, market research and/or needs-based website design. Data analysis of this kind is undertaken (also for not logged-in users) in particular for the purposes of needs-based advertisement, and to inform other users of the respective social network of your activities on our website. You have the right to object to the creation of these profiles. To make use of this right, you need to turn directly to Google. 

You can find further information on the purpose and the scope of data collection and processing by the plug-in provider in their respective data protection statements. Here you can also find further information on your rights regarding this matter and customising settings and options for the purpose of protecting your privacy: https://policies.google.com/privacy. Google is inter alia analysing your personalised data in the USA and asserts to apply the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield principles - https://www.privacyshield.gov/EU-US-Framework - https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt000000001L5AAI&status=Active.

Personal data is collected via UFGC-managed websites if you subscribe to our newsletters or for notification alerts. The mandatory field for subscribing to the e-newsletter(s) is the email address. Other details, such as name or the organization you work for, help us to address you in a personal way and to understand your interests and improve our activities. 

Other data: We collect information from you through information that you provide to us through business cards, through project partnerships that we jointly work on, and through events that you have signed up for. When you register for an event, you might be requested to provide such information as contact details (possibly including title, initials, first name, surname, gender, company, job title, e-mail address); travel preferences and dietary requirements. Only information necessary for managing your participation in an event is collected.

We will not retain your personal information for longer than required. We will keep your personal information:

- For as long as required by law
- Until we no longer have a valid reason for keeping it
- Until you request us to stop using it. Any such requests can be sent to our team at hello@urban-future.org or at our postal address, with reference to "Data Protection Officer":

Grillparzerstrasse 26
8010 Graz, Austria
Data Protection Officer 

In addition, all our mailings contain an unsubscribe button. If you unsubscribe, your personal data will be deleted permanently. Details of how to unsubscribe are provided in each newsletter.

At UFGC we implement technical and organisational measures to secure your personal data against hacking, malware, ransomware, malicious websites, etc.

The virtual servers we rent fulfill all modern security requirements for protecting your personal data. This includes software and systems to prevent hacking and to fight malware, ransomware or any other intrusion from potentially malicious websites.

To ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability, you are invited to exercise the following rights, free of charge, whenever you think it is appropriate. 

Right to review, update, and correct your personal data
You have the right to review and update, correct or remove any of your personal data by sending a request to hello@urban-future.org. 

The right to withdraw your consent to the processing
We process your personal data on the basis of your freely given consent. You have the right to revoke this consent at any time for any reason. To do so, please contact hello@urban-future.org. After your request has been received, your personal data will be removed from mailing lists and/or deleted entirely from our database within one month (your data may be stored, but not further processed, in order to comply with possible audits or checks from funding bodies, e.g. the European Commission).

This privacy policy is reviewed and updated periodically. Any changes to this policy will be communicated to you on our webpages.

All questions or requests regarding the UFGC personal data policy can be addressed to hello@urban-future.org.